It was such a beautiful January morning, bright and sunny – yes cold, but great to be able to get out to the supermarket before the big snowstorm coming the following day. And so, when I got home, I grabbed ALL the grocery bags from my trunk – because why make two trips when one […]
She was only 14 years old with big eyes and a smile full of braces. She started off a little flustered because she was late, since her teacher had technology challenges getting her onto Zoom. She made great eye contact, sat up tall, and spoke clearly and passionately about her dreams and what she had […]
Last night I watched It’s a Wonderful Life for the first time this year. I was at the part when George Bailey breaks down and says he wishes he were never born. It was at this moment that I began to hear loud sirens in front of my home. What is going on outside? I […]
When Joe was assigned to me as a patient I was initially going to refuse, because I was scared to death. Joe, a talented auto mechanic, had been working under his car fixing his radiator. He was very familiar with this job, with this car, and with what needed to be done. He knew if […]
Yes, we are living during very challenging times, but we still have to eat!! Today I would like to invite you to try mindful cooking. 1) Notice the story you might be making up in your head right this very moment. Are you immediately judging yourself or others? (“I can’t do this…they make it better […]
Thanks for looking up and smiling just now… What do you notice around your workspace? What do you notice: the tops or sides of people’s heads? Everyone looking straight ahead or down (even in elevators)? Likely you are making very little eye contact. I visit many different companies when teaching Mindfulness in the workplace. It […]
Did you have a good summer? Are you feeling refreshed and ready to deal with: The month of October when somehow a 24-hour day morphs into one with several more hours? Meeting all your 4th quarter goals and objectives? Those end of year performance goals…sales goals, and then… The HOLIDAYS! Yes, they’re coming up quickly […]
Provide a life-changing program for your employees and create a healthier more collaborative and engaged workplace.